The Cognitive Benefits of Playing Music
Music, often hailed as a universal language, is an integral part of human culture and history. But beyond its emotional resonance and aesthetic pleasures, playing music offers a multitude of...
Music, often hailed as a universal language, is an integral part of human culture and history. But beyond its emotional resonance and aesthetic pleasures, playing music offers a multitude of...
This month's More to Start, Fewer to Quit (MSFQ) tips come from Edward F. Protzman, Director of Bands, and Assistant Professor of Music Education, School of Music & Theater, Portland State University. RECRUITMENT TIPS Recruitment is a year-round activity. Although...
A musical burglar struck some sour notes with a broken window and a burglar alarm, causing a duet of police to bring the concert of crime to an end. A 25-year-old man was in city jail today in connection with...
Up next in the Music Achievement Council's "Choose to Teach" series, an inspiring message brought to you by Emma Lang, a Band Director from Tennessee. Video URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=23acrFPdG9Q "Somebody told me one time that I needed to make sure that...
This month's MSFQ comes from Yamaha Master Educator and retired director of bands at Hill Country Middle School Cheryl Floyd. RECRUITMENT TIPS If your school doesn't already, consider hosting an Electives Fair — a night where parents and students can...
From Edward F. Protzman, Director of Bands and an assistant professor of music education at Portland State University. RECRUITMENT TIPS The new year rings in the next school year. Be sure to start your recruiting process now. When students move...
Understanding the Clarinet: A Comprehensive Guide Introduction The clarinet, a woodwind instrument with a unique and versatile sound, has been a mainstay in music ensembles ranging from classical orchestras to jazz bands. This blog post delves into the history, structure,...
The Enchanting Journey of the Flute: A Historical Overview The flute, one of the oldest and most universally recognized musical instruments, has a rich and enchanting history that spans thousands of years and crosses numerous cultures. From its earliest forms...
For many aspiring flutists, the arrival of braces can be a source of concern. The question arises: "Can I still play the flute if I have braces?" The good news is, yes, you can! While braces may present some initial...
When diving into the world of flutes, one of the primary distinctions you'll encounter is between closed-hole (also known as plateau) and open-hole (also known as French) flutes. Both types have unique characteristics, advantages, and challenges, making them suitable for...
Acoustic guitars, with their rich tones and natural resonance, are beloved by musicians worldwide. However, like all musical instruments, they are subject to wear and tear and may require maintenance and repairs. Understanding these common issues is crucial for any...
The Essence of an Acoustic Guitar At its core, an acoustic guitar is a stringed musical instrument known for its rich, resonant sound, which is produced acoustically. This means the sound is created by the strings' vibration and amplified naturally...
When introducing a child to the world of music, particularly to the acoustic guitar, one of the most crucial decisions you can make is selecting the right guitar size. A guitar that is too large can be cumbersome and difficult...